
Wait... one more

OK, so it's my blog, I can post as many random pictures as I like, which is fabulous. And I'm totally lying, there will be tons more pics, not just the one... but moving on...I'm smiling, and Patrick almost has a smile, which is pretty good for him. Here we are at St. Andrews Golf Course in Scotland. No, I can't golf, and no, we were not on the old course, but we were there, standing on the course (which seemed very surreal and totally insane) and can now make the claim to have golfed there. Luckily I didn't kill anyone with a stray golf ball as we picked a pretty good time to play... I think everyone must have been at lunch, so I was kept safely away from innocent bystanders. Who knows though, maybe they just heard through the grapevine that we were coming and all scattered away... that would be the reasonable thing to do. Really though, in my own defense, I did pretty well considering I have golfed maybe twice in my life. Bring it on Tiger Woods.