
It's almost Earth Day

OK, so I didn't really originally decide to dedicate today's posts in honor of Earth Day, it just so happens that it IS coming up though (April 22), and so conveniently this is good timing. I spent a good amount of time doing research on plastics and eco-friendly products this week as I knew from the moment "it" hit TV that morning that I would be getting questions from people in the hospital at some point, so why not gather some info here as well? "It" was the Today Show report later last week broadcasting their story on the safety (or more to the point- lack of safety) in many of the products used by the american public every day. As I research more and more, it seems several other countries have much higher safety standards than we do in regards to the manufacturing and use of plastics, though I seem to be finding this is the case with lots of products lately... but I digress... I love America, but we have some work to do in terms of our own public safety. And we are ahead of many others, so I guess being in the middle is at least halfway there.

Anyways I shall post links to the stories on the show (2 5-min clips). Interesting stuff. Of course the first show caused such a massive response that they had to talk about it more the next day with Dr. Nancy Sniderman. Everyone, rightfully so, was most concerned about baby stuff in general... and since babies are my thing, I shall post about that. I will also post the links to the the Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy which has a number of fact sheets on plastics and a million other things like meat and dairy safety, fish safety, produce safety, etc... you get the idea. Lastly I will post pics and links to many eco-friendly (and thus baby-friendly) products, which I intermittently intend to post about anyways!
See the links below (you might have to just cut and paste as I'm not getting the links to work for some reason):

Today Show Link:
Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy: